Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Structure of the human myeloid CSF receptor promoters. As with many myeloid promoters, relatively small regions direct activity and specificity in transient transfection studies; in addition, there is no well-defined TATA box. The major transcription start site is designated by the horizontal arrow. Shown are the locations of binding sites for PU.1, C/EBP, and AML1. The PU.1 site in the G-CSF receptor promoter is located in the 5′ untranslated region, at bp +3653; a functional PU.1 site is also found in the 5′ UT region of the PU.1 promoter.55 In unstimulated myeloid cell lines, the major C/EBP gene product is C/EBPα.5354215 In newborn livers from C/EBPα −/− animals, only expression of the G-CSF receptor is significantly reduced.28 In PU.1 −/− animals and ES cells, expression of the M-CSF receptor is significantly reduced or undetectable.162163

Structure of the human myeloid CSF receptor promoters. As with many myeloid promoters, relatively small regions direct activity and specificity in transient transfection studies; in addition, there is no well-defined TATA box. The major transcription start site is designated by the horizontal arrow. Shown are the locations of binding sites for PU.1, C/EBP, and AML1. The PU.1 site in the G-CSF receptor promoter is located in the 5′ untranslated region, at bp +3653; a functional PU.1 site is also found in the 5′ UT region of the PU.1 promoter.55 In unstimulated myeloid cell lines, the major C/EBP gene product is C/EBPα.53,54,215 In newborn livers from C/EBPα −/− animals, only expression of the G-CSF receptor is significantly reduced.28 In PU.1 −/− animals and ES cells, expression of the M-CSF receptor is significantly reduced or undetectable.162 163 

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