Figure 3.
Cytokine production in Mekk1ΔKDJnk2–/– fetal livers are unaltered. (A) Quantitative (Q) PCR analysis of erythropoetin and SCF cDNA from E13.5 wt, Mekk1ΔKD, Jnk2–/–, and Mekk1ΔKDJnk2–/– FLs (n = 5). □ indicates wt; ▦, MEKK1ΔKD; ▤, JNK2–/–; ▪, MEKK1ΔKDJNK2–/–. Data represent average ± SD. (B) Representative samples from RNase protection analysis of SCF, EPO, IL-3, IL-11, IL-7, GM-CSF, M-CSF, G-CSF, LIF, and IL-6 mRNA expression in E13.5 Jnk2–/– and Mekk1ΔKDJnk2–/– FLs. GADPH and L32 were measured as controls. GM-CSF indicates granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; GADPH, glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase; and LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor.

Cytokine production in Mekk1ΔKDJnk2/ fetal livers are unaltered. (A) Quantitative (Q) PCR analysis of erythropoetin and SCF cDNA from E13.5 wt, Mekk1ΔKD, Jnk2/, and Mekk1ΔKDJnk2/ FLs (n = 5). □ indicates wt; ▦, MEKK1ΔKD; ▤, JNK2/; ▪, MEKK1ΔKDJNK2/. Data represent average ± SD. (B) Representative samples from RNase protection analysis of SCF, EPO, IL-3, IL-11, IL-7, GM-CSF, M-CSF, G-CSF, LIF, and IL-6 mRNA expression in E13.5 Jnk2/ and Mekk1ΔKDJnk2/ FLs. GADPH and L32 were measured as controls. GM-CSF indicates granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; GADPH, glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase; and LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor.

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