Figure 5.
Figure 5. Representative flow cytometric profile of the cells in the suspension culture of JMML BM cells. The nonerythroid BM cells of a patient with JMML (case 4) before (top row) and after 10 days of culture without and with 10 μM ZOL (middle and bottom rows, respectively) were examined by flow cytometry. Populations of granulocytes (Myel, dark blue dots), monocytes/macrophages (Mono, green dots), lymphocytes (Lymp, bright blue dots), and blastic cells (Blast, red dots) were identified by a combination of SSC and CD45 staining (left). CD11b and HLA-DR expression in monocytes/macrophages and blastic cells was further analyzed (right).

Representative flow cytometric profile of the cells in the suspension culture of JMML BM cells. The nonerythroid BM cells of a patient with JMML (case 4) before (top row) and after 10 days of culture without and with 10 μM ZOL (middle and bottom rows, respectively) were examined by flow cytometry. Populations of granulocytes (Myel, dark blue dots), monocytes/macrophages (Mono, green dots), lymphocytes (Lymp, bright blue dots), and blastic cells (Blast, red dots) were identified by a combination of SSC and CD45 staining (left). CD11b and HLA-DR expression in monocytes/macrophages and blastic cells was further analyzed (right).

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