Figure 3.
Figure 3. sFRP-2 is expressed by MM cells of patients with bone destruction. (A) Expression of sFRP-2 mRNA by MM cells isolated from patients with advanced bone disease was detected by RT-PCR. Total RNA (2 μg) extracted from primary cells was reverse transcribed, and 1 μL of the 20-μL reaction was used in PCR analysis for sFRP-2 and GAPDH mRNA. (B) The isolated MM cells were cytospun and stained with anti–sFRP-2 antibody or nonimmune IgG as described in “Patients, materials, and methods.” Cells were visualized under an Olympus BX50 microscope equipped with a UMplanFI 40 ×/0.75 objective lens (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) to achieve an original magnification of 400 ×. Images were recorded with an Olympus SC35 CCD camera and Viewfinder Lite software (Pixera, Los Gatos, CA), and were digitally processed with Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA).

sFRP-2 is expressed by MM cells of patients with bone destruction. (A) Expression of sFRP-2 mRNA by MM cells isolated from patients with advanced bone disease was detected by RT-PCR. Total RNA (2 μg) extracted from primary cells was reverse transcribed, and 1 μL of the 20-μL reaction was used in PCR analysis for sFRP-2 and GAPDH mRNA. (B) The isolated MM cells were cytospun and stained with anti–sFRP-2 antibody or nonimmune IgG as described in “Patients, materials, and methods.” Cells were visualized under an Olympus BX50 microscope equipped with a UMplanFI 40 ×/0.75 objective lens (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) to achieve an original magnification of 400 ×. Images were recorded with an Olympus SC35 CCD camera and Viewfinder Lite software (Pixera, Los Gatos, CA), and were digitally processed with Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA).

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