Figure 6.
Figure 6. Suppression by GAD TMr-treated apoptosis-resistant high-avidity T cells is dependent on cell contact. (A) Ann-V- T cells were sorted after control (□) or GAD TMr (▪) treatment and rechallenged on GAD-pulsed DCs (T/DC, 5:1), either alone (□ and ▪) or mixed together (▧). P for the comparison between control TMr-treated and mix conditions, as calculated by 2-tailed Student t test, is indicated. (B) Ann-V- high-avidity T cells rechallenged as described at different T/DC ratios. (C) Ann-V- high-avidity T cells were rechallenged as described (T/DC ratio, 10:1), with the cocultured control and GAD TMr-treated fractions (▧) either kept in contact or separated by a Transwell membrane, as indicated. 3H-TdR incorporation after 60 hours of culture is shown. Data are mean ± SE.

Suppression by GAD TMr-treated apoptosis-resistant high-avidity T cells is dependent on cell contact. (A) Ann-V- T cells were sorted after control (□) or GAD TMr (▪) treatment and rechallenged on GAD-pulsed DCs (T/DC, 5:1), either alone (□ and ▪) or mixed together (▧). P for the comparison between control TMr-treated and mix conditions, as calculated by 2-tailed Student t test, is indicated. (B) Ann-V- high-avidity T cells rechallenged as described at different T/DC ratios. (C) Ann-V- high-avidity T cells were rechallenged as described (T/DC ratio, 10:1), with the cocultured control and GAD TMr-treated fractions (▧) either kept in contact or separated by a Transwell membrane, as indicated. 3H-TdR incorporation after 60 hours of culture is shown. Data are mean ± SE.

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