Figure 2.
Influence of TP53 mutation VAF in response and dynamic changes of TP53 VAF throughout therapy. (A) Percentage change in TP53 mutation VAF before and after therapy in patients with and without a clinical response to HMA therapy. (B) TP53 VAF before and at the time of response assessment in patients with and without clinical response to HMA therapy. (C) Time-dependent changes of TP53 VAF among 64 patients with multiple sequencing time points throughout the course of therapy, including response assessment, disease progression, transformation, or relapse. Gray lines represent changes in a specific patient; blue lines represent tendencies of the entire evaluable cohort.

Influence of TP53 mutation VAF in response and dynamic changes of TP53 VAF throughout therapy. (A) Percentage change in TP53 mutation VAF before and after therapy in patients with and without a clinical response to HMA therapy. (B) TP53 VAF before and at the time of response assessment in patients with and without clinical response to HMA therapy. (C) Time-dependent changes of TP53 VAF among 64 patients with multiple sequencing time points throughout the course of therapy, including response assessment, disease progression, transformation, or relapse. Gray lines represent changes in a specific patient; blue lines represent tendencies of the entire evaluable cohort.

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