Figure 3.
Trends in novel therapy use and ASCT among individual racial/ethnic cohorts across MM diagnosis years. (A) An increasing trend of novel therapy use was observed for all 3 cohorts over time (P < .05). A significant difference existed between whites vs AA (P < .05), but not whites vs HISP (P = .11). (B) There was an increasing trend in ASCT use among whites and African Americans (both P < .05), but not Hispanics (P = .42). No significant differences in ASCT use existed between whites vs AA (P = .82) or whites vs HISP (P = .13). The error bars represent standard errors.

Trends in novel therapy use and ASCT among individual racial/ethnic cohorts across MM diagnosis years. (A) An increasing trend of novel therapy use was observed for all 3 cohorts over time (P < .05). A significant difference existed between whites vs AA (P < .05), but not whites vs HISP (P = .11). (B) There was an increasing trend in ASCT use among whites and African Americans (both P < .05), but not Hispanics (P = .42). No significant differences in ASCT use existed between whites vs AA (P = .82) or whites vs HISP (P = .13). The error bars represent standard errors.

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