Figure 3.
Figure 3. Changes in patient-reported symptoms on BV therapy. Composite symptom burden assessments using the MPN-SAF TSS-10* (A) and modified MSAF** (B) did not show significant change over time (r2 ∼0) by 1-way analysis of variance with a posttest for linear trend (i). Individual patients’ assessments (ii) did not show a consistent trend over time. *Composite of patient-reported scores on 10 items (0-10 scale each, with higher indicating worse): worst fatigue, concentration, early satiety, inactivity, night sweats, itching, bone/muscle pain, abdominal discomfort, weight loss, and fever. **Composite of patient-reported scores on 10 items (0-10 scale each, with higher indicating worse): pruritus, dizziness, headache, worst fatigue, flushing, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, bone/muscle pain, concentration, and depression.

Changes in patient-reported symptoms on BV therapy. Composite symptom burden assessments using the MPN-SAF TSS-10* (A) and modified MSAF** (B) did not show significant change over time (r2 ∼0) by 1-way analysis of variance with a posttest for linear trend (i). Individual patients’ assessments (ii) did not show a consistent trend over time. *Composite of patient-reported scores on 10 items (0-10 scale each, with higher indicating worse): worst fatigue, concentration, early satiety, inactivity, night sweats, itching, bone/muscle pain, abdominal discomfort, weight loss, and fever. **Composite of patient-reported scores on 10 items (0-10 scale each, with higher indicating worse): pruritus, dizziness, headache, worst fatigue, flushing, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, bone/muscle pain, concentration, and depression.

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