Figure 2.
Figure 2. Proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines are reduced in Fibγ390-396A SS mice compared with the FibWT SS mice. One year post-BMT, blood samples were collected from the experimental mice. Platelet-poor plasma samples were used for cytokine profiling by Luminex assay. (A) IL-6. (B) TNF-α. (C) KC. Similar number of fully chimeric male and female mice were used in the experimental groups. Each symbol in the graph represents an individual mouse. FibWT AA/B6 (n = 11-15), Fibγ390-396A AA/B6 (n = 8-12), FibWT SS (n = 17-22), and Fibγ390-396A SS (n = 17-22). The bars in the graph indicate the mean ± SEM. Statistical significance was determined using 1-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey's multiple comparison test; statistical significance is indicated as **P ≤ .01, *P ≤ .05.

Proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines are reduced in Fibγ390-396ASS mice compared with the FibWTSS mice. One year post-BMT, blood samples were collected from the experimental mice. Platelet-poor plasma samples were used for cytokine profiling by Luminex assay. (A) IL-6. (B) TNF-α. (C) KC. Similar number of fully chimeric male and female mice were used in the experimental groups. Each symbol in the graph represents an individual mouse. FibWT AA/B6 (n = 11-15), Fibγ390-396A AA/B6 (n = 8-12), FibWT SS (n = 17-22), and Fibγ390-396A SS (n = 17-22). The bars in the graph indicate the mean ± SEM. Statistical significance was determined using 1-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey's multiple comparison test; statistical significance is indicated as **P ≤ .01, *P ≤ .05.

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