Figure 3.
Figure 3. Comparison of FVIII peptides identified in a MAPPs assay following incubation of MoDCs with FL-rFVIII plus pdVWF or BDD-rFVIII plus pdVWF. (A) Pooled data for all subjects showing location and frequencies of peptides identified in the MAPPs assay following incubation of MoDCs with FL-rFVIII plus pdVWF (blue) or BDD-rFVIII plus pdVWF (red). (B) Location and frequencies of peptides identified following incubation with FL-rFVIII plus VWF where no peptides were found after incubation with BDD-rFVIII plus VWF are shown in green. The x-axis represents the primary sequence of FL-FVIII and the different FVIII domains are depicted on the figure.

Comparison of FVIII peptides identified in a MAPPs assay following incubation of MoDCs with FL-rFVIII plus pdVWF or BDD-rFVIII plus pdVWF. (A) Pooled data for all subjects showing location and frequencies of peptides identified in the MAPPs assay following incubation of MoDCs with FL-rFVIII plus pdVWF (blue) or BDD-rFVIII plus pdVWF (red). (B) Location and frequencies of peptides identified following incubation with FL-rFVIII plus VWF where no peptides were found after incubation with BDD-rFVIII plus VWF are shown in green. The x-axis represents the primary sequence of FL-FVIII and the different FVIII domains are depicted on the figure.

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