Figure 4.
Figure 4. Switchover between L-CD34−/+LSK and L-GMP cells. L-CD34−LSK, L-CD34+LSK, and L-GMP cells were isolated from primary AML mice (HSC1:MA9) and transplanted into sublethally irradiated recipient mice individually. When the recipient mice developed leukemia (secondary leukemia), BM cells were analyzed. L-CD34−LSK (A), L-CD34+LSK (B), and L-GMP (C) cells gave rise to all L-CD34−LSK, L-CD34+LSK, and L-GMP cells.

Switchover between L-CD34/+LSK and L-GMP cells. L-CD34LSK, L-CD34+LSK, and L-GMP cells were isolated from primary AML mice (HSC1:MA9) and transplanted into sublethally irradiated recipient mice individually. When the recipient mice developed leukemia (secondary leukemia), BM cells were analyzed. L-CD34LSK (A), L-CD34+LSK (B), and L-GMP (C) cells gave rise to all L-CD34LSK, L-CD34+LSK, and L-GMP cells.

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