Figure 1.
Characterization of HOD × KEL mouse model. (A) Transgenic mice expressing HOD or KEL on their RBC were bred to generate HOD × KEL mice. (B) KEL and HEL expression on WT and HOD × KEL RBC ghosts were determined by western blot analysis. Expression of KEL and HEL was determined by flow cytometry on WT and HOD × KEL RBCs (C), platelets (D), or white blood cells (WBCs) (E), individually and by dual staining of KEL and HEL together. (F) Anti-KEL and anti-HEL binding to HOD × KEL RBC was assessed by super-resolution microscopy (magnification ×100).

Characterization of HOD × KEL mouse model. (A) Transgenic mice expressing HOD or KEL on their RBC were bred to generate HOD × KEL mice. (B) KEL and HEL expression on WT and HOD × KEL RBC ghosts were determined by western blot analysis. Expression of KEL and HEL was determined by flow cytometry on WT and HOD × KEL RBCs (C), platelets (D), or white blood cells (WBCs) (E), individually and by dual staining of KEL and HEL together. (F) Anti-KEL and anti-HEL binding to HOD × KEL RBC was assessed by super-resolution microscopy (magnification ×100).

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