Figure 1.
Mutations identified in MYD88WTWM by whole exome sequencing. (A) The median number of somatic mutations for patients with paired tumor/germline samples was 33 and the number of mutations per patient for these individuals are shown. (B) Somatic mutations were associated with NF-κB signaling, epigenetic regulation, and DNA damage response. Each row represents a unique patient. Patient identifiers in bold type indicate that the patient is deceased. *Patients with disease that later transformed. (C) Location of conserved motifs in the protein coding domains of top affected genes are shown. ★Location of a somatic mutation.

Mutations identified in MYD88WTWM by whole exome sequencing. (A) The median number of somatic mutations for patients with paired tumor/germline samples was 33 and the number of mutations per patient for these individuals are shown. (B) Somatic mutations were associated with NF-κB signaling, epigenetic regulation, and DNA damage response. Each row represents a unique patient. Patient identifiers in bold type indicate that the patient is deceased. *Patients with disease that later transformed. (C) Location of conserved motifs in the protein coding domains of top affected genes are shown. ★Location of a somatic mutation.

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