Figure 2.
Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier estimates of PFS and OS of SM patients (n = 34) grouped according to the mutational status of SRSF2, ASXL1, RUNX1 and EZH2 genes. PFS (left panels) and OS (right panels) of SM patients grouped according to the presence vs absence of mutated S/A/R genes (A), the EZH2 mutational status within the S/A/R gene panel (B), and the presence vs absence of mutated S/A/R/E genes (C). Values are expressed in years from diagnosis to disease progression (PFS) and death (OS) or the last follow-up visit. Median PFS and/or OS indicates the time point at which half of the patients have progressed to more aggressive forms of the disease or died, respectively.

Kaplan-Meier estimates of PFS and OS of SM patients (n = 34) grouped according to the mutational status ofSRSF2,ASXL1,RUNX1 andEZH2 genes. PFS (left panels) and OS (right panels) of SM patients grouped according to the presence vs absence of mutated S/A/R genes (A), the EZH2 mutational status within the S/A/R gene panel (B), and the presence vs absence of mutated S/A/R/E genes (C). Values are expressed in years from diagnosis to disease progression (PFS) and death (OS) or the last follow-up visit. Median PFS and/or OS indicates the time point at which half of the patients have progressed to more aggressive forms of the disease or died, respectively.

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