Figure 1.
Mutation spectrum of moCEBPA, biCEBPA, and wtCEBPA. Evaluation of the mutation spectrum of moCEBPA (n = 32) and biCEBPA (n = 48) patients in comparison with wtCEBPA samples (n = 287). Eight of 20 genes with a mutation frequency of ≥5% were significantly associated with ≥1 groups.

Mutation spectrum of moCEBPA, biCEBPA, and wtCEBPA. Evaluation of the mutation spectrum of moCEBPA (n = 32) and biCEBPA (n = 48) patients in comparison with wtCEBPA samples (n = 287). Eight of 20 genes with a mutation frequency of ≥5% were significantly associated with ≥1 groups.

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