Figure 1.
Figure 1. Subclone frequencies depending on disease and plasma cell stage. Subclone frequencies for patients with main clone and subclone within a single chromosome (green); pure subclone aberrations, where subclone and main clone affect different chromosomes (red); and both of these types for each disease entity (blue). P value is given for test on overall difference in subclone frequency between PC-AL and PC–non-AL accounting for stage of plasma cell dyscrasia.

Subclone frequencies depending on disease and plasma cell stage. Subclone frequencies for patients with main clone and subclone within a single chromosome (green); pure subclone aberrations, where subclone and main clone affect different chromosomes (red); and both of these types for each disease entity (blue). P value is given for test on overall difference in subclone frequency between PC-AL and PC–non-AL accounting for stage of plasma cell dyscrasia.

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