Figure 6.
Structural stability analysis from MD simulations. (A-D) Backbone RMSF per residue mapped on the structure of each GPIbα-VWFA1 complex: (A) mouse/mouse (M1MA), (B) mouse/human (M1HA), (C) human/mouse (H1MA), and (D) human/human (H1HA) of GPIbα-VWFA1. Structures were colored according to their RMSF values, with a rainbow spectrum ranging from blue (minimum value, 0.30 Å), to red (maximum value, 2 Å). (E) RMSFs along the protein sequences in the complexes; dashed lines highlight hairpin interface regions; secondary structure features are represented by blue (helices) and yellow (β-sheets) boxes along the sequences.

Structural stability analysis from MD simulations. (A-D) Backbone RMSF per residue mapped on the structure of each GPIbα-VWFA1 complex: (A) mouse/mouse (M1MA), (B) mouse/human (M1HA), (C) human/mouse (H1MA), and (D) human/human (H1HA) of GPIbα-VWFA1. Structures were colored according to their RMSF values, with a rainbow spectrum ranging from blue (minimum value, 0.30 Å), to red (maximum value, 2 Å). (E) RMSFs along the protein sequences in the complexes; dashed lines highlight hairpin interface regions; secondary structure features are represented by blue (helices) and yellow (β-sheets) boxes along the sequences.

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