Figure 4.
Mutational landscape of 47 pediatric and young adult LBCL cases. (A) Bar graphs show mutated genes in >5% of 47 pediatric and young adult primary LBCL cases excluding mPMBL. Each color bar indicates histological subtypes. An asterisk represents mutated genes significantly enriched in 1 of the subtypes. SNV, single-nucleotide variant. (B) A diagram of the relative positions of driver mutations is shown for IRF4, CARD11, CD79B, SOCS1, EZH2, and MYC genes. x-axes indicate amino acid position: IRF4 domains (DBD, DNA-binding domain; IAD, IRF association domain), CARD11 domains (CARD, caspase activation and recruitment domain; SH, Src homology 3 domain), CD79B domains (IG, immunoglobulin-like; ITAM, immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif), SOCS1 domains (ESS, extended SH2 subdomain; KIR, kinase inhibitory region), EZH2 domains (CXC, cysteine-rich domain; SANT, SWI3-ADA2-N-CoR-TFIIIB domains; WDB, WD-40 binding domain), and MYC domains (HLH, helix-loop-helix; LZ, leucine zipper; MBI/II, Myc box I and II; TAD, transactivation domain).

Mutational landscape of 47 pediatric and young adult LBCL cases. (A) Bar graphs show mutated genes in >5% of 47 pediatric and young adult primary LBCL cases excluding mPMBL. Each color bar indicates histological subtypes. An asterisk represents mutated genes significantly enriched in 1 of the subtypes. SNV, single-nucleotide variant. (B) A diagram of the relative positions of driver mutations is shown for IRF4, CARD11, CD79B, SOCS1, EZH2, and MYC genes. x-axes indicate amino acid position: IRF4 domains (DBD, DNA-binding domain; IAD, IRF association domain), CARD11 domains (CARD, caspase activation and recruitment domain; SH, Src homology 3 domain), CD79B domains (IG, immunoglobulin-like; ITAM, immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif), SOCS1 domains (ESS, extended SH2 subdomain; KIR, kinase inhibitory region), EZH2 domains (CXC, cysteine-rich domain; SANT, SWI3-ADA2-N-CoR-TFIIIB domains; WDB, WD-40 binding domain), and MYC domains (HLH, helix-loop-helix; LZ, leucine zipper; MBI/II, Myc box I and II; TAD, transactivation domain).

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