Figure 3.
Recurrent CN alterations in PMBL. (A) Significant CN gains (red) and losses (blue) as inferred from whole-exome sequencing data using GISTIC 2.0. Potential candidate genes are highlighted next to their respective genomic locus. (B) Frequency plot of genes displaying significant CN alterations across the cohort. Red indicates CN gain, and blue indicates CN loss, where values are derived from GISTIC and indicate copy-number level per gene: −2 = homozygous deletion; −1 = heterozygous deletion; 0 = CN unchanged; 1 = low-level gain; 2 = high-level gain/amplification. Genes were sorted according to gain/deletion and then per q value as calculated by using GISTIC.

Recurrent CN alterations in PMBL. (A) Significant CN gains (red) and losses (blue) as inferred from whole-exome sequencing data using GISTIC 2.0. Potential candidate genes are highlighted next to their respective genomic locus. (B) Frequency plot of genes displaying significant CN alterations across the cohort. Red indicates CN gain, and blue indicates CN loss, where values are derived from GISTIC and indicate copy-number level per gene: −2 = homozygous deletion; −1 = heterozygous deletion; 0 = CN unchanged; 1 = low-level gain; 2 = high-level gain/amplification. Genes were sorted according to gain/deletion and then per q value as calculated by using GISTIC.

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