Figure 6.
Inhibiting AXL releases myeloma cells from dormancy. (A) Experimental design investigating carbozantinib (cabo) treatment on dormant myeloma cells (top) and transcript expression levels of cabo targets in dormant (D) and reactivated (R) cells (bottom). (B) Impact of cabo treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the bone marrow. (C) Impact of cabo treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the spleen. (D) Experimental design investigating BMS-777607 (BMS) treatment on dormant myeloma cells (top) and transcript expression levels of BMS targets in dormant (D) and reactivated (R) cells (bottom). (E) Impact of BMS treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the bone marrow. (F) Impact of BMS treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the spleen. (G) Impact of BMS and vehicle treatment on osteoclast surface (%) (left) and number (per mm) (right). Individual points represent a single mouse. (H) Three-dimensional micro computed tomography reconstructions of distal femora from representative mice treated with BMS or vehicle. (I) Impact of BMS and vehicle treatment on trabecular bone volume/total volume (BV/TV; %) (left) and the bone surface (mm2) (right). Data represented by median and IQR. Mann-Whitney test: *P < .05, **P < .01, ****P < .001. IC50, half maximal inhibitory concentration; ns, not significant.

Inhibiting AXL releases myeloma cells from dormancy. (A) Experimental design investigating carbozantinib (cabo) treatment on dormant myeloma cells (top) and transcript expression levels of cabo targets in dormant (D) and reactivated (R) cells (bottom). (B) Impact of cabo treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the bone marrow. (C) Impact of cabo treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the spleen. (D) Experimental design investigating BMS-777607 (BMS) treatment on dormant myeloma cells (top) and transcript expression levels of BMS targets in dormant (D) and reactivated (R) cells (bottom). (E) Impact of BMS treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the bone marrow. (F) Impact of BMS treatment on dormant cells (left) and myeloma burden (right) in the spleen. (G) Impact of BMS and vehicle treatment on osteoclast surface (%) (left) and number (per mm) (right). Individual points represent a single mouse. (H) Three-dimensional micro computed tomography reconstructions of distal femora from representative mice treated with BMS or vehicle. (I) Impact of BMS and vehicle treatment on trabecular bone volume/total volume (BV/TV; %) (left) and the bone surface (mm2) (right). Data represented by median and IQR. Mann-Whitney test: *P < .05, **P < .01, ****P < .001. IC50, half maximal inhibitory concentration; ns, not significant.

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