Figure 2.
A box plot representation of the number of immunopathologic manifestations per patient, as a function of the genetic subgroup in 80 pES patients (the M+, M−, “pathogenic” and “probably pathogenic” groups). The bottom of the box marks the 25th percentile, the median line marks the 50th percentile, and the top of the box marks the 75th percentile. The bottom of the vertical line indicates the minimum and the maximum. The vertical lines at the top and bottom indicate the minimum and the maximum. The symbols at the top and bottom indicate outlying data points.

A box plot representation of the number of immunopathologic manifestations per patient, as a function of the genetic subgroup in 80 pES patients (the M+, M−, “pathogenic” and “probably pathogenic” groups). The bottom of the box marks the 25th percentile, the median line marks the 50th percentile, and the top of the box marks the 75th percentile. The bottom of the vertical line indicates the minimum and the maximum. The vertical lines at the top and bottom indicate the minimum and the maximum. The symbols at the top and bottom indicate outlying data points.

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