Figure 2.
Figure 2. CN analysis in AITL. (A) Frequency of chromosomal gains and losses in AITL tumors quantified using Nexus Copy Number. Candidate genes within aberrant loci are indicated. (B) Heat map of differentially expressed genes (P < .05) located on chr5 between cases with and without a chr5 gain. (C) Percent aberrant genome segregated on mutation status of IDH2R172 in AITL cases. Asian and Western cohorts are distinguished by color, whereas CN state of chr5 is indicated by shape. (D) Genes involved in the PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathway that are deleted in ≥10% of AITL cases and their association with frequent CNAs and mutations, which are indicated below. (E) PI3K–AKT–mTOR schematic diagram with striped patterned genes deleted in AITL at a frequency ≥ 10%. Genes in red are negative regulators, and genes in green are positive regulators. (F) Matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for co-occurring genomic abnormalities and mutations in AITL.

CN analysis in AITL. (A) Frequency of chromosomal gains and losses in AITL tumors quantified using Nexus Copy Number. Candidate genes within aberrant loci are indicated. (B) Heat map of differentially expressed genes (P < .05) located on chr5 between cases with and without a chr5 gain. (C) Percent aberrant genome segregated on mutation status of IDH2R172 in AITL cases. Asian and Western cohorts are distinguished by color, whereas CN state of chr5 is indicated by shape. (D) Genes involved in the PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathway that are deleted in ≥10% of AITL cases and their association with frequent CNAs and mutations, which are indicated below. (E) PI3K–AKT–mTOR schematic diagram with striped patterned genes deleted in AITL at a frequency ≥ 10%. Genes in red are negative regulators, and genes in green are positive regulators. (F) Matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for co-occurring genomic abnormalities and mutations in AITL.

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