Figure 6.
GNF362 treatment reversed established cGVHD BO and inhibited lung macrophage infiltration, but did not alter GC reactions. B10.BR mice conditioned per Figure 5 were given B6 BM (107), with or without purified B6 T cells (70 × 103). A cohort was treated with GNF362 or vehicle from days 28 to 56 after transplantation. (A) Pulmonary function tests were performed at week 8. (B) Frequency of GC B cells (CD19+Fas+GL7+) in spleen. (C-D) Macrophages in the lung were stained with CD68-FITC and quantified by Fiji software by measuring the percentage of positively stained areas. Confocal images were acquired on an Olympus FluoView500 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope at original magnification ×200. Four to 5 mice were analyzed for each group in each assay. Results shown are representative of 3 independent experiments with similar results. *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001. ns, not significant.

GNF362 treatment reversed established cGVHD BO and inhibited lung macrophage infiltration, but did not alter GC reactions. B10.BR mice conditioned per Figure 5 were given B6 BM (107), with or without purified B6 T cells (70 × 103). A cohort was treated with GNF362 or vehicle from days 28 to 56 after transplantation. (A) Pulmonary function tests were performed at week 8. (B) Frequency of GC B cells (CD19+Fas+GL7+) in spleen. (C-D) Macrophages in the lung were stained with CD68-FITC and quantified by Fiji software by measuring the percentage of positively stained areas. Confocal images were acquired on an Olympus FluoView500 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope at original magnification ×200. Four to 5 mice were analyzed for each group in each assay. Results shown are representative of 3 independent experiments with similar results. *P < .05, **P < .01, and ***P < .001. ns, not significant.

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