Figure 2.
Principal component analysis (PCA) of BM antioxidant transcripts of healthy controls and MDS/sAML patients. (A) Cumulative explained variance (blue line) and per PCA explained variance (blue bar) showing that PC1 explains 53.1% of the variance and that the 5 first PCs explain >80% of the total variance (dotted line). (B) PCA individual plot of patients: MDS with <5% BM blasts, MDS with 5% to 19% BM blasts, and sAML in green, orange, and red, respectively, and healthy controls (in black) highlighting the specific partition in a 2-dimensional PCA diagram (PC1, x-axis; PC2, y-axis). Barycenter and 95% confident ellipse of each group are represented and show that the expression profiles of antioxidant-related genes allow the discrimination between healthy controls, MDS with <5% BM blasts, MDS with 5% to 19% blasts, and sAML patients. (C) Volcano plot plotting fold change (FC) and P values between healthy controls and different MDS subgroups/sAML, highlighting an increased expression of different genes in MDS and a strongly decreased expression in sAML. (D) Schematic representation of antioxidant gene function.

Principal component analysis (PCA) of BM antioxidant transcripts of healthy controls and MDS/sAML patients. (A) Cumulative explained variance (blue line) and per PCA explained variance (blue bar) showing that PC1 explains 53.1% of the variance and that the 5 first PCs explain >80% of the total variance (dotted line). (B) PCA individual plot of patients: MDS with <5% BM blasts, MDS with 5% to 19% BM blasts, and sAML in green, orange, and red, respectively, and healthy controls (in black) highlighting the specific partition in a 2-dimensional PCA diagram (PC1, x-axis; PC2, y-axis). Barycenter and 95% confident ellipse of each group are represented and show that the expression profiles of antioxidant-related genes allow the discrimination between healthy controls, MDS with <5% BM blasts, MDS with 5% to 19% blasts, and sAML patients. (C) Volcano plot plotting fold change (FC) and P values between healthy controls and different MDS subgroups/sAML, highlighting an increased expression of different genes in MDS and a strongly decreased expression in sAML. (D) Schematic representation of antioxidant gene function.

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