Figure 4.
Cooccurring alterations and clonality of genetic drivers in PMBL. (A) Genetic driver alterations as color-coded matrix. PMBLs alterations were 2-way hierarchically clustered using a 1-Pearson-correlation, revealing major left and right branches. Alterations in PMBL cell lines to the right. Bar graphs to the right and bottom summarize the number of events across alterations and patients, respectively. Alt, alterations; non-syn, nonsynonymous. (B) The cancer cell fractions (CCF) of all genetic drivers are visualized on top and ranked by their median CCF (red line) from high to low (left to right; error bar, interquartile range). The staggered bar graph plots the fraction of clonal and subclonal events, with a CCF ≥0.9 being clonal.

Cooccurring alterations and clonality of genetic drivers in PMBL. (A) Genetic driver alterations as color-coded matrix. PMBLs alterations were 2-way hierarchically clustered using a 1-Pearson-correlation, revealing major left and right branches. Alterations in PMBL cell lines to the right. Bar graphs to the right and bottom summarize the number of events across alterations and patients, respectively. Alt, alterations; non-syn, nonsynonymous. (B) The cancer cell fractions (CCF) of all genetic drivers are visualized on top and ranked by their median CCF (red line) from high to low (left to right; error bar, interquartile range). The staggered bar graph plots the fraction of clonal and subclonal events, with a CCF ≥0.9 being clonal.

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