Figure 1.
Recurrently mutated genes in cHL. (A) A coMut plot100 of the CCGs in 23 primary cHLs indicating the number and frequency of recurrent mutations (left), color-coded mutated genes (center), with ranking by significance (MutSig2CVq value) (right). Coding nonsynonymous mutational density (log10[#mutations]) for each primary case is indicated at the top; allelic frequency and mutation type are noted below. *Indicates 2 hypermutated cases. (B-C) Genes identified by CLUMPS included STAT6 (protein data bank [PDB]: 4y5w; (B) and GNA13 (PDB: 3ab3) (C), which exhibited significant spatial clustering in protein structures. STAT6 dimer is shown with molecules in gray and cyan, respectively, and mutated residues in red. Color intensity and thickness of line scales with the number of mutations. Co-crystalized small molecules are shown in blue (GDP). (D) Mutation diagrams (lollipop figures) of the 15 significantly mutated genes identified in panel A. Positions within the genes perturbed in multiple cHLs (≥2) are labeled.

Recurrently mutated genes in cHL. (A) A coMut plot100  of the CCGs in 23 primary cHLs indicating the number and frequency of recurrent mutations (left), color-coded mutated genes (center), with ranking by significance (MutSig2CVq value) (right). Coding nonsynonymous mutational density (log10[#mutations]) for each primary case is indicated at the top; allelic frequency and mutation type are noted below. *Indicates 2 hypermutated cases. (B-C) Genes identified by CLUMPS included STAT6 (protein data bank [PDB]: 4y5w; (B) and GNA13 (PDB: 3ab3) (C), which exhibited significant spatial clustering in protein structures. STAT6 dimer is shown with molecules in gray and cyan, respectively, and mutated residues in red. Color intensity and thickness of line scales with the number of mutations. Co-crystalized small molecules are shown in blue (GDP). (D) Mutation diagrams (lollipop figures) of the 15 significantly mutated genes identified in panel A. Positions within the genes perturbed in multiple cHLs (≥2) are labeled.

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