Figure 4.
Long-term mortality by MAP threshold (0.290) after 4 weeks of treatment. (A) Crude proportions of 6-month nonrelapse mortality (± standard error) and (B) Kaplan-Meier estimates of overall survival according to Ann Arbor score for patients whose MAP after 4 weeks of treatment rose/remained above (red line) or fell/remained below (blue line) the threshold of 0.290. Ann Arbor scores were determined as in Figure 3.

Long-term mortality by MAP threshold (0.290) after 4 weeks of treatment. (A) Crude proportions of 6-month nonrelapse mortality (± standard error) and (B) Kaplan-Meier estimates of overall survival according to Ann Arbor score for patients whose MAP after 4 weeks of treatment rose/remained above (red line) or fell/remained below (blue line) the threshold of 0.290. Ann Arbor scores were determined as in Figure 3.

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