Figure 2.
CD34-based HSPC estimation overestimates the HSC quantity in patients. (A) Flow plots show gating of Lin−CD10−CD34+CD38low\−CD45RA−CD90+ HSCs from a healthy donor and a child with SCD. (B) The proportion of phenotypic Lin−CD10−CD34+CD38low\−CD45RA−CD90+ HSCs in total CD34+ cells was reduced in patients (supplemental Figure 3B,D). This may be partially explained by the fact that she was the oldest and only postpubertal subject. (C) The proportion of phenotypic Lin−CD10−CD34+CD133+CD38low\−CD45RA−CD90+ HSCs in total CD133+ cells was not significantly different between patients and controls.

CD34-based HSPC estimation overestimates the HSC quantity in patients. (A) Flow plots show gating of LinCD10CD34+CD38low\−CD45RACD90+ HSCs from a healthy donor and a child with SCD. (B) The proportion of phenotypic LinCD10CD34+CD38low\−CD45RACD90+ HSCs in total CD34+ cells was reduced in patients (supplemental Figure 3B,D). This may be partially explained by the fact that she was the oldest and only postpubertal subject. (C) The proportion of phenotypic LinCD10CD34+CD133+CD38low\−CD45RACD90+ HSCs in total CD133+ cells was not significantly different between patients and controls.

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