Figure 3.
Influence of MRD and aGVHD early after HCT (day +30 time point) on relapse. Cumulative hazard estimates for relapse in children with ALL during the first 2 years after HCT for patients remaining MRD negative post-HCT at the first month after HCT (A) and patients with MRD detected at any level post-HCT (B). The estimates are from a Cox proportional hazards regression model with all MRD (MRD negative, MRD positive) measurements after transplant and aGVHD both as time-dependent covariates. (C) EFS and CIR curves for patients who were MRD positive during the landmark day +30 time point interval and did or did not experience aGVHD.

Influence of MRD and aGVHD early after HCT (day +30 time point) on relapse. Cumulative hazard estimates for relapse in children with ALL during the first 2 years after HCT for patients remaining MRD negative post-HCT at the first month after HCT (A) and patients with MRD detected at any level post-HCT (B). The estimates are from a Cox proportional hazards regression model with all MRD (MRD negative, MRD positive) measurements after transplant and aGVHD both as time-dependent covariates. (C) EFS and CIR curves for patients who were MRD positive during the landmark day +30 time point interval and did or did not experience aGVHD.

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