Figure 3.
Kinetics of CD3+TCRαβ+, CD3+TCRγδ+, and CD3+CD45RA+CD197+ lymphocyte recovery. Boxplot graphs with medians, first and third quartiles of CD3+TCRαβ+ (A), CD3+TCRγδ+ (B), and CD3+CD45RA+CD197+ (C) lymphocyte counts (×109/L) at different time points after HSCT.

Kinetics of CD3+TCRαβ+, CD3+TCRγδ+, and CD3+CD45RA+CD197+ lymphocyte recovery. Boxplot graphs with medians, first and third quartiles of CD3+TCRαβ+ (A), CD3+TCRγδ+ (B), and CD3+CD45RA+CD197+ (C) lymphocyte counts (×109/L) at different time points after HSCT.

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