Table 1.

Relative frequency of diagnosis in patients with MBDs highlighting the proportion of patients with normal tests (BUC)

Relative frequency of diagnosis in patients with MBDs highlighting the proportion of patients with normal tests (BUC)

NA indicates not available; and CFD, clotting factor deficiency.

*14% of the 128 patients had laboratory abnormalities not associated with bleeding risks (lupus anticoagulant, contact phase defects).

†This study included a proportion of patients with acquired disorders of platelet function or with thrombocytopenia.

‡10 of the 105 patients had laboratory findings not associated with bleeding risks (senile purpura, Rendu-Weber-Osler disease, asymptomatic clotting factor deficiency).

§The sum of all patients is greater than 280, because 13 of them had concomitant diagnosis of VWD, PFD or CFD.

¶Platelet secretion was performed in only 107 patients.

#All normal tests: except 19% of 160 patients with prolonged bleeding time.

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