Figure 6.
Times to first clot for the different FIX agents in CRM− mice. The saphenous vein of CRM− mice was injured and the mice were allowed to bleed for 15 minutes. Each FIX agent (500 IU/kg) was then infused and the TTFC (see Methods) determined. FIXWT (green), FIXFC (purple) and FIXAlb (blue). FIXWTAct and FIXFCAct are the activated forms of the respective zymogens. Box plot rendition of the results showing the minimum, first quartile, median (waist), third quartile, and maximum values.

Times to first clot for the different FIX agents in CRM mice. The saphenous vein of CRM mice was injured and the mice were allowed to bleed for 15 minutes. Each FIX agent (500 IU/kg) was then infused and the TTFC (see Methods) determined. FIXWT (green), FIXFC (purple) and FIXAlb (blue). FIXWTAct and FIXFCAct are the activated forms of the respective zymogens. Box plot rendition of the results showing the minimum, first quartile, median (waist), third quartile, and maximum values.

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