Figure 2
Figure 2. VE-cad+CD41− hemogenic endothelial cells produce T cells in both YS and P-Sp with similar frequency. (A) VE-cad+CD41− or VE-cad−CD41+ cells were sorted from E9.5 WT YS and P-Sp and were plated on OP9-DL1 stromal cells in a limited dilution manner (75-300 cells/well). After 7-10 days, each well containing cobblestone-forming area and lymphocyte-like cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. (B) CD4+CD8+DP cells were obtained from VE-cad+CD41− cell population, not from VE-cad−CD41+ cells at a frequency of 1 of 162 YS VE-cad+ cells (left panel) and 1 of 165 P-Sp VE-cad+ cells (right panel), respectively.

VE-cad+CD41 hemogenic endothelial cells produce T cells in both YS and P-Sp with similar frequency. (A) VE-cad+CD41 or VE-cadCD41+ cells were sorted from E9.5 WT YS and P-Sp and were plated on OP9-DL1 stromal cells in a limited dilution manner (75-300 cells/well). After 7-10 days, each well containing cobblestone-forming area and lymphocyte-like cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. (B) CD4+CD8+DP cells were obtained from VE-cad+CD41 cell population, not from VE-cadCD41+ cells at a frequency of 1 of 162 YS VE-cad+ cells (left panel) and 1 of 165 P-Sp VE-cad+ cells (right panel), respectively.

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