Figure 3
Aberrant expression ofEVI1mRNA in sorted CD34/CD38 fractions of MLL-AF6–rearranged AMLs. BM cells from (B) 2 MLL-AF6 rearranged AMLs and (A) normal BM were FACS sorted for the distinct CD34/CD38 populations, with subsequent isolation of mRNA. Relative expression was normalized against the reference gene PBGD. Each measurement was carried out in triplicate and SD is shown per measurement.

Aberrant expression ofEVI1mRNA in sorted CD34/CD38 fractions of MLL-AF6–rearranged AMLs. BM cells from (B) 2 MLL-AF6 rearranged AMLs and (A) normal BM were FACS sorted for the distinct CD34/CD38 populations, with subsequent isolation of mRNA. Relative expression was normalized against the reference gene PBGD. Each measurement was carried out in triplicate and SD is shown per measurement.

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