Figure 1
Figure 1. The potent endogenous inhibitor PGI2 abolishes platelet Ca2+ responses to G protein-coupled receptors but not those after activation of GPVI, Toll-like receptors, or P2X1 cation channels. Effect of a supramaximal concentration of PGI2 (60μM; 90 seconds) on [Ca2+]i increases mediated via a range of receptors. Representative responses from more than 4 donors are shown in panels A through E, and the average as a percentage of a paired control is shown in panel F. The G protein–coupled receptor agonists U46619 (A,F; U4) and thrombin (B,F; Thr) were used at near-EC50 concentrations (0.5μM U46619 and 0.03 U mL−1 thrombin). GPVI and TLR2/1 receptor Ca2+ responses were stimulated with a low or intermediate concentration of collagen (0.5 and 2 μg mL−1; C,F; Coll) or Pam3CSK4 (1 and 10 μg mL−1, D,F; Pam), respectively. P2X1 receptors were maximally activated with 10μM α,βmeATP (E-F). The asterisks indicate significance levels compared with samples in the absence of PGI2; the hash symbols indicate significance level compared with thrombin in the presence of PGI2. U4 indicates U46619; Pam, Pam3CSK4; Thr, thrombin; and Coll, collagen.

The potent endogenous inhibitor PGI2 abolishes platelet Ca2+ responses to G protein-coupled receptors but not those after activation of GPVI, Toll-like receptors, or P2X1 cation channels. Effect of a supramaximal concentration of PGI2 (60μM; 90 seconds) on [Ca2+]i increases mediated via a range of receptors. Representative responses from more than 4 donors are shown in panels A through E, and the average as a percentage of a paired control is shown in panel F. The G protein–coupled receptor agonists U46619 (A,F; U4) and thrombin (B,F; Thr) were used at near-EC50 concentrations (0.5μM U46619 and 0.03 U mL−1 thrombin). GPVI and TLR2/1 receptor Ca2+ responses were stimulated with a low or intermediate concentration of collagen (0.5 and 2 μg mL−1; C,F; Coll) or Pam3CSK4 (1 and 10 μg mL−1, D,F; Pam), respectively. P2X1 receptors were maximally activated with 10μM α,βmeATP (E-F). The asterisks indicate significance levels compared with samples in the absence of PGI2; the hash symbols indicate significance level compared with thrombin in the presence of PGI2. U4 indicates U46619; Pam, Pam3CSK4; Thr, thrombin; and Coll, collagen.

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