Figure 3
B-cell, but not granulocyte, development is altered in Cxcr4+/1013 mice. (A) H&E and Giemsa staining of longitudinal sections of paraffin-embedded decalcified tibia. Shown are some venous sinuses (arrows) and the cortical bone (cb). In the representative May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining of BM aspirates (bottom), most of the cells are neutrophils and some have hypersegmented nuclei (arrows). Original magnification, ×40 (H&E), ×100 (Giemsa), and ×400 (MGG); scale bars denote 500, 250, and 25 μm, respectively. (B-D) Absolute numbers (mean ± SD, n = 14-19) of BM cells were determined from 2 femurs (B) and analyzed for the content (C) in promyelocytes/myelocytes (ProM/My), metamyelocytes/band forms (MetaM/B), and mature neutrophils (Mature), and (D) in total B cells (mean ± SD, n = 8-11; left) and (right) pro/pre-B cells, immature, and mature B-cell subsets (Mature). (E) Caspase-3 activation was used to detect apoptotic BM neutrophils and B cells. Results are from all the analyzed littermates (B-D), are from 3 to 5 independent experiments (E), or are representative of 3 to 5 independent determinations (A), (*P < .05 compared with WT mice).

B-cell, but not granulocyte, development is altered in Cxcr4+/1013 mice. (A) H&E and Giemsa staining of longitudinal sections of paraffin-embedded decalcified tibia. Shown are some venous sinuses (arrows) and the cortical bone (cb). In the representative May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining of BM aspirates (bottom), most of the cells are neutrophils and some have hypersegmented nuclei (arrows). Original magnification, ×40 (H&E), ×100 (Giemsa), and ×400 (MGG); scale bars denote 500, 250, and 25 μm, respectively. (B-D) Absolute numbers (mean ± SD, n = 14-19) of BM cells were determined from 2 femurs (B) and analyzed for the content (C) in promyelocytes/myelocytes (ProM/My), metamyelocytes/band forms (MetaM/B), and mature neutrophils (Mature), and (D) in total B cells (mean ± SD, n = 8-11; left) and (right) pro/pre-B cells, immature, and mature B-cell subsets (Mature). (E) Caspase-3 activation was used to detect apoptotic BM neutrophils and B cells. Results are from all the analyzed littermates (B-D), are from 3 to 5 independent experiments (E), or are representative of 3 to 5 independent determinations (A), (*P < .05 compared with WT mice).

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