Figure 4
Figure 4. STAT5 is not required for B-lymphoid transformation by BCR-ABL1 in vitro or for maintanance of established B-lymphoid leukemia in viro. (A-B) STAT5 is not required for transformation of primary BM B-lymphoid cells by BCR-ABL1 in vitro. (A) Primary BM from non–5-FU-treated Stat5a/bfl/+ and Stat5a/bfl/− donor mice was transduced with p210MIGFP or p210MIGFPCre retrovirus and plated directly in agarose. Transformed pre-B lymphoid colonies were counted on day 10. There was no significant difference in the number of colonies arising from Stat5a/bfl/− donor BM transduced with either p210MIGFP or p210MIGFPCre retrovirus (P = .88) or between any of the values assessed pairwise (t tests). (B) Serial dilutions of transduced BM were plated in triplicate on syngeneic stromal layers derived from nontransduced wild-type BM and cultured for 3 weeks, as described in the “Methods.”29 The plating density is indicated by the line color, the number of cultures that reached confluence (defined as 106 nonadherent cells) is indicated on the ordinate, and the time to confluence on the abscissa. (C) Growth of BCR-ABL1–transformed B-lymphoblasts derived from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/+ (top panel) or Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/− (bottom panel) donors either untreated (blue squares) or treated with IFN-β (red circles). Each curve represents data from an independent population of transformed cells. (D) Southern blot analysis of Stat5a/b recombination status from the experiment in panel C. Lanes 1 and 2 contain tail DNA from Stat5 wild-type and Stat5fl/− mice, respectively. Note the complete deletion of the floxed Stat5a/b allele in IFN-treated lymphoblasts from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/+ donors (lanes 7-10) and from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/− donors (lanes 15-18). (E) Kaplan-Meier survival curve for unirradiated Balb/c Rag2−/− recipients injected intravenously (1 × 107 cells each, n = 16) with BCR-ABL1–expressing lymphoblasts derived from the in vitro transformation experiments in panels B and C. After engraftment of leukemia, half of each cohort (dashed lines) were treated with pIpC (arrowheads) to induce Cre recombinase. (F) Southern blot analysis of Stat5a/b recombination status in tumor tissue from 3 representative recipients of lymphoblasts from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/− donors from panel E that were treated with pIpC (lanes 4-6) or untreated (lanes 7-9). Lanes 1, 2, and 3 contain tail DNA from Stat5wt, Stat5fl/+, and Stat5fl/− mice, respectively. Note the complete deletion of the floxed Stat5a/b allele in lymphoblasts from pIpC-treated recipients.

STAT5 is not required for B-lymphoid transformation by BCR-ABL1 in vitro or for maintanance of established B-lymphoid leukemia in viro. (A-B) STAT5 is not required for transformation of primary BM B-lymphoid cells by BCR-ABL1 in vitro. (A) Primary BM from non–5-FU-treated Stat5a/bfl/+ and Stat5a/bfl/− donor mice was transduced with p210MIGFP or p210MIGFPCre retrovirus and plated directly in agarose. Transformed pre-B lymphoid colonies were counted on day 10. There was no significant difference in the number of colonies arising from Stat5a/bfl/− donor BM transduced with either p210MIGFP or p210MIGFPCre retrovirus (P = .88) or between any of the values assessed pairwise (t tests). (B) Serial dilutions of transduced BM were plated in triplicate on syngeneic stromal layers derived from nontransduced wild-type BM and cultured for 3 weeks, as described in the “Methods.”29  The plating density is indicated by the line color, the number of cultures that reached confluence (defined as 106 nonadherent cells) is indicated on the ordinate, and the time to confluence on the abscissa. (C) Growth of BCR-ABL1–transformed B-lymphoblasts derived from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/+ (top panel) or Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/− (bottom panel) donors either untreated (blue squares) or treated with IFN-β (red circles). Each curve represents data from an independent population of transformed cells. (D) Southern blot analysis of Stat5a/b recombination status from the experiment in panel C. Lanes 1 and 2 contain tail DNA from Stat5 wild-type and Stat5fl/− mice, respectively. Note the complete deletion of the floxed Stat5a/b allele in IFN-treated lymphoblasts from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/+ donors (lanes 7-10) and from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/− donors (lanes 15-18). (E) Kaplan-Meier survival curve for unirradiated Balb/c Rag2−/− recipients injected intravenously (1 × 107 cells each, n = 16) with BCR-ABL1–expressing lymphoblasts derived from the in vitro transformation experiments in panels B and C. After engraftment of leukemia, half of each cohort (dashed lines) were treated with pIpC (arrowheads) to induce Cre recombinase. (F) Southern blot analysis of Stat5a/b recombination status in tumor tissue from 3 representative recipients of lymphoblasts from Mx-Cre;Stat5a/bfl/− donors from panel E that were treated with pIpC (lanes 4-6) or untreated (lanes 7-9). Lanes 1, 2, and 3 contain tail DNA from Stat5wt, Stat5fl/+, and Stat5fl/− mice, respectively. Note the complete deletion of the floxed Stat5a/b allele in lymphoblasts from pIpC-treated recipients.

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