Figure 1
Figure 1. The zebrafish notch signaling mutant mindbomb (mibta52b) displays decreased cpa5 expression. WISH using a digoxigenin-labeled RNA antisense probe to zebrafish cpa5 was performed at 28 and 48 hpf. Bar graphs represent the percent of embryos categorized by WISH expression levels. At 28 hpf, the mibta52b mutant (n = 107) shows a dramatic decrease in cpa5 expression compared with wild-type embryos (n = 96), whereas at 48 hpf, the mibta52b mutant (n = 19) displays reduced cpa5 expression in the ALM and absent cpa5 expression in the CHT compared with wild-type (n = 12). Insets: Magnified view of the area of interest (5× objective, MZ6 microscope; Leica).

The zebrafish notch signaling mutant mindbomb (mibta52b) displays decreased cpa5 expression. WISH using a digoxigenin-labeled RNA antisense probe to zebrafish cpa5 was performed at 28 and 48 hpf. Bar graphs represent the percent of embryos categorized by WISH expression levels. At 28 hpf, the mibta52b mutant (n = 107) shows a dramatic decrease in cpa5 expression compared with wild-type embryos (n = 96), whereas at 48 hpf, the mibta52b mutant (n = 19) displays reduced cpa5 expression in the ALM and absent cpa5 expression in the CHT compared with wild-type (n = 12). Insets: Magnified view of the area of interest (5× objective, MZ6 microscope; Leica).

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