Figure 2
Figure 2. Identification of the deletion breakpoint. (A) The breakpoint of the deletion (shaded box) was identified in genomic DNA using a forward primer (indicated by the forward arrow) in CFH exon 22 and a reverse primer (indicated by the reverse arrow) in CFHR3 exon 1. (B) Sequence of the breakpoint. Two nucleotides (AG) interposing between CFH intron 22 sequence and CFHR3 5′-UTR sequence (shaded box). (C) CFH and CFHR3 sequence flanking the breakpoint. Microhomologous sequence adjacent to the breakpoint is underlined.

Identification of the deletion breakpoint. (A) The breakpoint of the deletion (shaded box) was identified in genomic DNA using a forward primer (indicated by the forward arrow) in CFH exon 22 and a reverse primer (indicated by the reverse arrow) in CFHR3 exon 1. (B) Sequence of the breakpoint. Two nucleotides (AG) interposing between CFH intron 22 sequence and CFHR3 5′-UTR sequence (shaded box). (C) CFH and CFHR3 sequence flanking the breakpoint. Microhomologous sequence adjacent to the breakpoint is underlined.

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