Table 4.

Estimated number of asymptomatic thrombophilic women who should use LMWH prophylaxis during pregnancy and/or the postpartum period to prevent pregnancy-related VTE, and estimated number needed to test

Estimated number of asymptomatic thrombophilic women who should use LMWH prophylaxis during pregnancy and/or the postpartum period to prevent pregnancy-related VTE, and estimated number needed to test

n/a indicates not applicable.

*Antepartum and postpartum combined.

†These estimates apply to women with a positive family history of VTE and assume an unrealistic 100% efficacy of prophylaxis with LMWH.

‡Based on family studies as outlined in Table 2.

§Based on a population risk of pregnancy-related VTE of 0.5% per pregnancy22  and a relative risk of 2 of VTE by having a positive family history.14 

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