Figure 1
Figure 1. GFP expression and mRNA transfer via exosome trafficking between non-immune cells. (A) Electron micrograph of vesicle release from a Jurkat cell. Cell preparations on UV activated carbon formvar 400 Mesh copper grids (Ted Pella 01 822-F), were imaged at 100 kV on a Philips CM120 TEM microscope. Images were collected on a Gatan 794CCD multiscan camera and converted into 8-bit gray-scale TIF, 28 000× magnification. OHSU-Electron Microscopy Resource (B) Jurkat cell with representative, exosome-sized, vesicles located at the limiting membrane at 7100× magnification. (C) Histogram representation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression by Jurkat cells (Jurkat-GFP) after replication deficient retrovirus vector transduction (vesicular stomatitis virus G protein pseudotype, MOI 1, GFP expression cassette) and non-transduced control (Jurkat). (D) Overlay histogram demonstrating GFP expression in murine whole bone marrow cells (mWBM) 48 hours after transwell (0.4 μm pore) exposure to Jurkat-GFP derived vesicles (Jurkat-GFP-V) or media control (Media over mWBM). Vesicles (V) were isolated from culture media by differential centrifugation at 300g × 10 minutes, 2 000g × 15 minutes, 10 000g × 20 minutes, and at 100 000g × 2 hours. The pellet was washed, ultracentrifuged at 100 000g for 2 hours and resuspended in PBS. (E) Reverse transcription PCR analysis indicating the presence or absence of GFP sequence in mWBM cells after indicated coculture conditions: 48-hour transwell (TW), concentrated vesicles (V) or vesicle rich media (VRM) from Jurkat-GFP cells versus media control. RNA was extracted using RNeasy (QIAGEN). Complementary DNA was synthesized using the SuperScript III First Strand Synthesis Kit (Invitrogen) with oligo-dT priming followed by PCR. (F) Detection of GFP transcripts in non-mobilized normal human CD34+ (hCD34) cells (Stem Cell Technologies). Culture condition, sample handling and reverse transcription PCR analysis as in panel E. Experiments were repeated with similar results.

GFP expression and mRNA transfer via exosome trafficking between non-immune cells. (A) Electron micrograph of vesicle release from a Jurkat cell. Cell preparations on UV activated carbon formvar 400 Mesh copper grids (Ted Pella 01 822-F), were imaged at 100 kV on a Philips CM120 TEM microscope. Images were collected on a Gatan 794CCD multiscan camera and converted into 8-bit gray-scale TIF, 28 000× magnification. OHSU-Electron Microscopy Resource (B) Jurkat cell with representative, exosome-sized, vesicles located at the limiting membrane at 7100× magnification. (C) Histogram representation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression by Jurkat cells (Jurkat-GFP) after replication deficient retrovirus vector transduction (vesicular stomatitis virus G protein pseudotype, MOI 1, GFP expression cassette) and non-transduced control (Jurkat). (D) Overlay histogram demonstrating GFP expression in murine whole bone marrow cells (mWBM) 48 hours after transwell (0.4 μm pore) exposure to Jurkat-GFP derived vesicles (Jurkat-GFP-V) or media control (Media over mWBM). Vesicles (V) were isolated from culture media by differential centrifugation at 300g × 10 minutes, 2 000g × 15 minutes, 10 000g × 20 minutes, and at 100 000g × 2 hours. The pellet was washed, ultracentrifuged at 100 000g for 2 hours and resuspended in PBS. (E) Reverse transcription PCR analysis indicating the presence or absence of GFP sequence in mWBM cells after indicated coculture conditions: 48-hour transwell (TW), concentrated vesicles (V) or vesicle rich media (VRM) from Jurkat-GFP cells versus media control. RNA was extracted using RNeasy (QIAGEN). Complementary DNA was synthesized using the SuperScript III First Strand Synthesis Kit (Invitrogen) with oligo-dT priming followed by PCR. (F) Detection of GFP transcripts in non-mobilized normal human CD34+ (hCD34) cells (Stem Cell Technologies). Culture condition, sample handling and reverse transcription PCR analysis as in panel E. Experiments were repeated with similar results.

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