Figure 2
Figure 2. Lnk expression is regulated by TPO-mediated signaling in megakaryocytic cells. Relative expression of total LNK mRNA was determined as Figure 1A in UT7/Mpl cells starved for 12 hours and stimulated for the indicated times with TPO (50 ng/mL, top graph) or GM-CSF (2.5 ng/mL, bottom graph). Data represent the mean ± SD (error bars) of LNK/Abl1 mRNA relative expression from 3 independent assays. Western blot analysis of Lnk expression in UT7/Mpl cells was performed with anti-Lnk antibodies and anti-actin as loading control.

Lnk expression is regulated by TPO-mediated signaling in megakaryocytic cells. Relative expression of total LNK mRNA was determined as Figure 1A in UT7/Mpl cells starved for 12 hours and stimulated for the indicated times with TPO (50 ng/mL, top graph) or GM-CSF (2.5 ng/mL, bottom graph). Data represent the mean ± SD (error bars) of LNK/Abl1 mRNA relative expression from 3 independent assays. Western blot analysis of Lnk expression in UT7/Mpl cells was performed with anti-Lnk antibodies and anti-actin as loading control.

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