Figure 4
Figure 4. PGE2-matured DCs show suppressed ability to attract naive CD4+ T cells. Negative isolated naive CD4+ T cells were allowed to migrate toward 24-hour culture supernatants from αDC1s and sDCs in transwell migration chambers (3 hours), in the absence (▭) or presence (▬) of CCR7-blocking antibody. The migrated T cells were collected from the bottom chamber and counted. The dotted line represents the average spontaneous migration of T cells in the absence of DC supernatants. Cumulative data (mean ± SEM) from 4 different donors.

PGE2-matured DCs show suppressed ability to attract naive CD4+ T cells. Negative isolated naive CD4+ T cells were allowed to migrate toward 24-hour culture supernatants from αDC1s and sDCs in transwell migration chambers (3 hours), in the absence (▭) or presence (▬) of CCR7-blocking antibody. The migrated T cells were collected from the bottom chamber and counted. The dotted line represents the average spontaneous migration of T cells in the absence of DC supernatants. Cumulative data (mean ± SEM) from 4 different donors.

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