Figure 5
Pin1 induces conformational changes of p47phox via binding to phosphorylated Ser345. (A) p47phox was phosphorylated with p38MAPK, incubated with Pin1 in the presence or absence of juglone, and subjected to trypsin cleavage; peptides were analyzed with Tris-tricine gels and immunoblotting with an antibody directed against the whole recombinant p47phox protein. (B) Gels were scanned and peptides were quantified with Scion image Beta 4.03 for Windows 95 to XP software from the National Institutes of Health. Experiments are representative of 3.

Pin1 induces conformational changes of p47phox via binding to phosphorylated Ser345. (A) p47phox was phosphorylated with p38MAPK, incubated with Pin1 in the presence or absence of juglone, and subjected to trypsin cleavage; peptides were analyzed with Tris-tricine gels and immunoblotting with an antibody directed against the whole recombinant p47phox protein. (B) Gels were scanned and peptides were quantified with Scion image Beta 4.03 for Windows 95 to XP software from the National Institutes of Health. Experiments are representative of 3.

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