Figure 2
Figure 2. Preserved numbers of multilineage, myelo-erythroid, and common lymphoid progenitors after Men1 inactivation. Flow cytometric analysis of progenitor populations in the BM of control CreERTm+ Men1+/+ mice and menin-deficient CreERTm+ Men1f/f mice. The analysis was performed at least 3 weeks after TAM administration. (A) Representative examples, with progenitor populations identified as follows: LSK progenitors (containing hematopoietic stem cells); CLP, common lymphoid progenitors (Lin−IL-7Rα+AA4.1+Flt3+); CMP, common myeloid progenitors (Lin−Sca-1–c-kithiCD34+CD16/32lo); MEP: megacaryocyte-erythroid progenitors (Lin−Sca-1–c-kithiCD34−CD16/32lo); GMP, granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (Lin−Sca-1–c-kithiCD34hiCD16/32hi). (B) Absolute cell numbers in calculated in 2 hind legs. ▵: control CreERTm+ Men1+/+; ▴: CreERTm+ Men1f/f mice. P values indicate the results of a Student t test.

Preserved numbers of multilineage, myelo-erythroid, and common lymphoid progenitors after Men1 inactivation. Flow cytometric analysis of progenitor populations in the BM of control CreERTm+Men1+/+ mice and menin-deficient CreERTm+Men1f/f mice. The analysis was performed at least 3 weeks after TAM administration. (A) Representative examples, with progenitor populations identified as follows: LSK progenitors (containing hematopoietic stem cells); CLP, common lymphoid progenitors (LinIL-7Rα+AA4.1+Flt3+); CMP, common myeloid progenitors (LinSca-1c-kithiCD34+CD16/32lo); MEP: megacaryocyte-erythroid progenitors (LinSca-1c-kithiCD34CD16/32lo); GMP, granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (LinSca-1–c-kithiCD34hiCD16/32hi). (B) Absolute cell numbers in calculated in 2 hind legs. ▵: control CreERTm+Men1+/+; ▴: CreERTm+Men1f/f mice. P values indicate the results of a Student t test.

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