Figure 6
Figure 6. Mouse tumor tissues caused by TM4SF5-expressing cell injection show enhanced angiogenic properties. (A) A total of 5 × 106 SNU449Cp or SNU449Tp cells were injected subcutaneously into nude mice (n = 7). SNU449Cp cells did not form tumors. Data are reported as mean plus or minus SD. (B) Epidermal tissue around the SNU449Cp injection site or tumor tissue from mice injected with SNU449Tp cells were analyzed for CD31 or integrin α5 (original magnification × 100). (C) Epidermal tissue or tumor tissue lysates from mice injected with SNU449Cp, or SNU449Tp cells were analyzed by standard Western blots. Data shown are representative 3 independent experiments. (D,E) Immunohistochemistry for integrin α5 (original magnification × 40) (D) or immunoblots of extracts of normal or tumor liver tissues obtained from liver cancer patients. From a total of 9 cases, representative datasets with enhanced integrin α5 expression and c-Src and STAT3 signaling activity were shown. P values less than .05 were considered significant: *P < .05. Data shown are representative of 3 different experiments.

Mouse tumor tissues caused by TM4SF5-expressing cell injection show enhanced angiogenic properties. (A) A total of 5 × 106 SNU449Cp or SNU449Tp cells were injected subcutaneously into nude mice (n = 7). SNU449Cp cells did not form tumors. Data are reported as mean plus or minus SD. (B) Epidermal tissue around the SNU449Cp injection site or tumor tissue from mice injected with SNU449Tp cells were analyzed for CD31 or integrin α5 (original magnification × 100). (C) Epidermal tissue or tumor tissue lysates from mice injected with SNU449Cp, or SNU449Tp cells were analyzed by standard Western blots. Data shown are representative 3 independent experiments. (D,E) Immunohistochemistry for integrin α5 (original magnification × 40) (D) or immunoblots of extracts of normal or tumor liver tissues obtained from liver cancer patients. From a total of 9 cases, representative datasets with enhanced integrin α5 expression and c-Src and STAT3 signaling activity were shown. P values less than .05 were considered significant: *P < .05. Data shown are representative of 3 different experiments.

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