Figure 2
Figure 2. Expression of Ifi200 genes. (A) Expression of Ifi200 genes in the mesenteries of BALB and DBA mice at days 0, 3, and 18 after TMPD. Mndal (dark blue) was not expressed in DBA; similarly low levels of Ifi203 (medium blue) were also seen in DBA relative to BALB at all time points. Ifi202 (red) and Ifi205 (yellow) levels were higher in day 18 tissues in DBA relative to BALB. (B) Tissue-specific expression of Ifi200 genes in untreated adult BALB mice. Mndal expression (dark blue) is higher in BALB tissues than that of other Ifi genes. Splenic and thymic tissues showed the highest levels of expression. Other bars represent expression levels of Ifi202 (red), Ifi203 (medium blue), Ifi204 (light blue), and Ifi205 (yellow).

Expression of Ifi200 genes. (A) Expression of Ifi200 genes in the mesenteries of BALB and DBA mice at days 0, 3, and 18 after TMPD. Mndal (dark blue) was not expressed in DBA; similarly low levels of Ifi203 (medium blue) were also seen in DBA relative to BALB at all time points. Ifi202 (red) and Ifi205 (yellow) levels were higher in day 18 tissues in DBA relative to BALB. (B) Tissue-specific expression of Ifi200 genes in untreated adult BALB mice. Mndal expression (dark blue) is higher in BALB tissues than that of other Ifi genes. Splenic and thymic tissues showed the highest levels of expression. Other bars represent expression levels of Ifi202 (red), Ifi203 (medium blue), Ifi204 (light blue), and Ifi205 (yellow).

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