Figure 2
Figure 2. Enhanced platelet recovery in c-MybPlt4/+ mice after APS-induced thrombocytopenia. Platelet count (top panel), white blood cell count (middle panel), and hematocrit (bottom panel) in c-MybPlt4/+ (squares) or wild-type (c-Myb+/+, circles) control mice were determined after administration of APS. Data points represent the mean ± SD from separate cohorts of mice analyzed at the times indicated. *P < .05 in Student t test for comparison of data from c-MybPlt4/+ mice with that of c-Myb+/+ controls. n = 2 (filled symbols) or 3 to 7 mice (open symbols) per point.

Enhanced platelet recovery in c-MybPlt4/+ mice after APS-induced thrombocytopenia. Platelet count (top panel), white blood cell count (middle panel), and hematocrit (bottom panel) in c-MybPlt4/+ (squares) or wild-type (c-Myb+/+, circles) control mice were determined after administration of APS. Data points represent the mean ± SD from separate cohorts of mice analyzed at the times indicated. *P < .05 in Student t test for comparison of data from c-MybPlt4/+ mice with that of c-Myb+/+ controls. n = 2 (filled symbols) or 3 to 7 mice (open symbols) per point.

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