Figure 1
Figure 1. Mutation in c-Myb ameliorates thrombocytopenia in Bcl-x mutant mice. Platelet counts in wild-type mice (c-Myb+/+Bcl-x+/+) or mice homozygous for the Plt20 allele of Bcl-x (Plt20/Plt20) and wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (Plt4/+), or homozygous (Plt4/Plt4) for the c-MybPlt4 allele. The mean ± SD of platelet counts from 4 to 14 mice per genotype are shown. *P < .05 in Student t test for comparison of data from c-MybPlt4/Plt4 Bcl-xPlt20/Plt20 mice with that of c-Myb+/+ Bcl-x Plt20/Plt20 controls.

Mutation in c-Myb ameliorates thrombocytopenia in Bcl-x mutant mice. Platelet counts in wild-type mice (c-Myb+/+Bcl-x+/+) or mice homozygous for the Plt20 allele of Bcl-x (Plt20/Plt20) and wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (Plt4/+), or homozygous (Plt4/Plt4) for the c-MybPlt4 allele. The mean ± SD of platelet counts from 4 to 14 mice per genotype are shown. *P < .05 in Student t test for comparison of data from c-MybPlt4/Plt4 Bcl-xPlt20/Plt20 mice with that of c-Myb+/+Bcl-x Plt20/Plt20 controls.

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