Figure 2
Figure 2. Sequence variants located in the zinc finger domains of EKLF. Alignment of the zinc finger domains (ZF1-ZF3) from EKLF is compared with ZIF268 (based on Figure 4 in Feng et al29). Protein sequences of genes identified as putative homologs of EKLF by NCBI's HomoloGene30 are from Homo sapiens (h), Pan troglodytes (p), Canis lupus familiaris (c), Mus musculus (m), and Rattus norvegicus (r). Boxed residues indicate XYZ amino acids required for DNA sequence recognition,31 bold residues show matches to the classical CC/HH motif,32 and circled numbers indicate positions of sequence variant types as described in Table 2.

Sequence variants located in the zinc finger domains of EKLF. Alignment of the zinc finger domains (ZF1-ZF3) from EKLF is compared with ZIF268 (based on Figure 4 in Feng et al29 ). Protein sequences of genes identified as putative homologs of EKLF by NCBI's HomoloGene30  are from Homo sapiens (h), Pan troglodytes (p), Canis lupus familiaris (c), Mus musculus (m), and Rattus norvegicus (r). Boxed residues indicate XYZ amino acids required for DNA sequence recognition,31  bold residues show matches to the classical CC/HH motif,32  and circled numbers indicate positions of sequence variant types as described in Table 2.

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